OK... first off Terry Jones (the dude who wants to burn the quran) is an American... so in America... we can do shit like that.. just like everyone is fighting for religious freedom over the mosaq being built right next to ground zero (stupid ass ass hole.. I blogged about it before it was a national issue fyi) lets just as vigorously protect Terry Jones right to be crazy and burn what ever the hell he wants! OK yes it's insensitive... unnecessary and just tad but crazy (ahh. people do crazy things when they are religious) but it's his right! I doubt that there were any protests in Afghanistan about burning our flag, killing our men and woman, or even burning the bible... Why do we care then what some crazy does... saying that this will provoke terrorists is bullshit.. they already hate us.. they already have hundreds of reasons to kill us so who cares if we piss off the already pissed off some more and if the media (bunch of d-bag ass holes) really cared about the safety of our troops they wouldn't of run the story (bunch of hypocritical dicks if you ask me)! The root of every problem in America is political correctness... people are not allowed to just say what they want with out offending someone and everyone jumping down your throat about it. We are afraid to piss any one off yet no one cares if they piss us off. Yes we should try and be the exemplary standard for a society but at what cost, we loose how we really feel, for fear of offending someone when we choose to defect from the thrown to live in a what use to be a utopia of free thinking and free ideas no one cared about pissing off the worlds biggest power... and I for one will not subscribe to the political correctness idea (i mean i can't even remember that last time I thought hey wonder if that will hurt someones feelings?) I am not saying go around and just blast people like hey your a Muslim your fucking crazy, or hey you are a christian your fucking crazy... (I mean if you want to by all means) but we need to talk, not just be malicious.. but talk. And we need to remember that we have that right in this country and it's about time people start exercising it and protecting it on both sides of an argument.
I think you need to get a lil more with it on your blogs... I can guest write for you :)
ReplyDeletei love your blog! you're saying EXACTLY what i think! keep it up!!