I just felt like bitching today, and it just so happens my moms' facebook status thread gave me the forum.. (yah I stalk you to mom). I love my mom but she is a demarcate…(I know we can't all be perfect) and her and her friends where talking about how much they hate Glen Beck (who the hell doesn't) when this one weird chick started in on my mom about how he was great and people who follow Obama like he is the "second coming of Christ" (god help us) are the problem (ok I wouldn't have a problem with Obama if he had just come out and said.. yes I am a politician, I am going to act like a politician and am going to talk out of both sides of my mouth.. at least then I would know what I was dealing with.. when someone pretends to be something they are not then I have a problem like me.. I am a total bitch but I don't pretend not to be total bitch just so I can catch you off guard one day... Obama)...so I decided to stick up for my mother… she is a very intelligent woman however is not that interested in the politico world, so to defend her I posted this in rebuttal to her goof troop teabagger attacker (see I am a good daughter)
shh.. don't tell.. but I don't even believe the shit that comes out of mouth.. I just really like money... and being popular... even if it means being king of dumbasses |
First off I am a REPUBLICAN.. and a pretty hardcore one (sorry mom) however, I find it absolutely appalling that Glenn Beck and his Teabagger friends have now become the face of my political party. Restoring America in Glenn Beck and his anarchist teabaggers terms means nothing more the griping about how they lost the election and want a republican back in office.. and to that who will even run Huckabee, McCain, Palin.. we have no stand out stars in our party and it sickens me that people like them have tainted the republican name, and more then likely chased off any suitable candidates. The GOP needs to get the reins on these crazies, and restore order and sanity to the party and stop just trying to get press, who are we attracting to our party anyways? Anyone who subscribes to the beliefs and ratings of Glenn Beck is better off not voting in any election because I fear their mental capacities are lacking. Stop your bitching and do something, your little rallies are not doing anything but furthering the gap between the parties and is making bipartisanship nothing more then a dream. Besides.. everyone wants lower taxes, everyone wants the troops home (or give them the means to do something) so what else do you have to say… raa.. raa.. raa… we need a republican.. we had our chance and we had a good run this what the system was built on checks and balances and turn over of power… get over it and stop bothering me with your stupid signs, and soap box ideologies… btw…The only thing Glen Beck is intelligent about is marketing, his rants insight fear and propagate hysteria and conspiracy theories to which the conservative fanatical's just eat up.
I just want to say it again I HATE YOU GLENN BECK.. you are ugly,crazy but a hell of marketing genius.. if only those powers could go to good use.. what is that old saying.. if you had a brain you would be dangerous.. yep that applies....
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