Thursday, August 5, 2010

Facebook you get me into more trouble then vodka...

Wtf…so my mom calls me at WORK (like I don’t listen to you bitch enough outside of work) to yell at me about what SOMEONE ELSE wrote on my wall… like I have any control over it (yah I am not a creeper who deletes wall posts). Which then led me to delete all persons related to me (apparently my family members get offended by things I say.. surprise surprise…) friends parents (who I only added because they asked and I felt bad) and any one over the age of 40… I can still remember the first run in I had with facebook when a dude at the bar asked “I like the way you pop you collar are you on facebook?” (ok in 2005 the double polo pooped collar look was so in) Yep those were the good ole days of facebook when only people from college could be on it (and when Farmville didn’t rule the world)
umm.. yum?
and share info about house parties and going on’s on campus… It was a utopia of stalking… the cute guy in soc. class, the biznatch that lives across the hall, the shady dude who buys you beer, and other people of interest in school were just a quick search away. Then it was opened up to everyone, sure the majority of people were just people whom didn’t have a college e-mail but were none the less peers utilizing this social network for analogous reason as I. Then the facebook gods unleashed this untamed beast to all… soon everyone’s facebook was inundated with friends request from grandma, my friends stalker mom (you know the one who made their kid call from the land line because they didn’t believe where you were.. that wasn’t easy to get around) my moms friends, down to old creepy dudes with messages reading “hey I’m new to town want to hang out?” I seriously contemplated deleting my account on several occasions such as when the relationship status .changed and the x got pissed, when I accidently deleted a friend which led to a real friend deletion from life (it’s not legit until it’s on facebook) to this incident involving my mother.. so I am stupid for adding her to begin with but honestly is any place safe to talk to your friends? Before when you wrote in your diary slamming your rents and talking about your first kiss(so 1994) all you had to protect this adverse information was the dinky 50 cent lock which gave you a complete sense

I love ponys... and writting hatefull things..
of false security, now you have a electronic hacker proof password with symbols, numbers, and letters that you rotate every week (paranoid.. no way) and you still are not safe. Employers stalk your facebook, moms stalk facebook, law enforcement stalks facebook, grandma stalks facebook… so really the only safe place to talk to anyone now is face to face (so 1950) and who wants to do that when you can hide behind the faceless computer screen. I just don’t understand how something so harmless can turn into such a big deal, why are people so f’ing sensitive anymore, and are sensitive to things that don’t even directly effect them. There are way worse things on the internet then my friends post about “hey are we getting some p in our v’s tonight or what” no one is forcing you to read my wall posts no more then they are forcing you to get on (uber nasty.. but interesting to say the least). How me and my friends talk is more then likely offensive to over half of the worlds population ( what up skank whore not much whoreface…)but who cares.. it’s not about you, we are not screaming it into your face and if we are not concerned with what we say to each other then why should you be? It’s just words people… words that have nothing do with you!! I use to see a shirt all the time at concerts (when I use to go them and not mind having other peoples sweat rubbed all over me) that said “if it’s too loud your too old” I am going to change it around and make a new shirt that reads “ if it’s to offensive then your just to old” facebook ruins lives and yet it’s a harder addiction to break then crack
(Hi my names Jim and I am addicted to facebook)
but facebook also comes with some great pros like connecting with friends you haven’t seen for awhile, seeing pictures of your friends vaca’s, sharing birthday well wishes down to making fun of emo kids cry baby posts. But with all that good is it really outweighing the bad or the dark side of facebook? I don’t know you tell me…. I guess much like every one navigated away from myspace as will we navigate away from facebook on to greener safer pastures free from farmville and parents.


  1. I agree with you on this subject totally. Everyone is taking facebook way to seriously. I can't believe you lost a friend in real life because you accidentally deleted them. That's bullshit, but you know what...if they freaked out over it and didn't understand, they weren't worthy of your friendship to begin with so fuck 'em.
    Sorry your moms was all up in yer shit =/
    I have my parents on mine, but no one really posts shit on mine so I have no worries...or just no friends...LOL. Oh well! Good post =)

  2. I think my fav is when you change your relationship status just for shits and giggles!! I changed mine to single a few months ago and you would not believe all the posts, emails, phone calls I got b/c they thought boyfriend and I broke up (or died)! Can you say super fb stalkers... Lovin' the blogs hoebag! Smoochies :*

  3. I decided to be nice & accept my dad's friend request. Big mistake! He was quickly deleted.
