Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Get some money...

Trying to find a job in this economy sucks so before you decided to hook it up or become a black market organ dealer here are a few good sites and some tips to help you land your dream job!

Tip 1: Make the resume the shitz..

Make your resume stand out, add sleek professional boarders or lines to your first page of your resume. Keep your resume short and sweet and use buzz words (logistical support, procurement of supplies, coordination, basically write you resume on word then use the useful synonyms button to use bigger words) associated with the job.

Keep your resume short and sweet and under 2 pages preferably (it varies depending on how old you are and how many jobs you have had). Make sure if you have a second page to keep your name, address and phone number on the top in case the pages get separated the reviewer knows which page goes with which.

Tailor each resume you send out to that particular job. Beef up the areas of previous work the coincided with duties that would be preformed in the job you are looking for. (don’t forget employers lie to you about what they can offer, so it’s ok to fudge a little in your descriptions of previous job duties)

Tip 2: Cover it up…
Cover letters are great they give the reviewer a better sense of who you are and give you a place to explain in greater detail responsibilities held in other positions. It also gives you a place to talk about extra circular activities you may be involved in and what you are looking for in a job (I want to do minimal work and get paid big bucks .. prob not a good idea)

Tip 3: Just Googel it
When applying for jobs Google the position name and see what other jobs come up. This way you can see other job listings with descriptions of duties to be performed and you can incorporate them in to your resume.
Googel the place you want to work for, if you want to work with beer just go to the Budweiser site and look for careers. Also don’t be afraid to ask people who have jobs you would like how they got their job.

Tip 4: Look classy
It amazes me how some people “dress up” if you are unsure of your fashion sense crosscheck it with your friends (well if you dress like shit your friends prob do too) or go online and see what “Professional clothing looks like” don’t wear stuff that looks cheap because then you look cheap (i.e floral prints from walmart) and wash your damn hair.

Tip5: Be a kiss ass…
Always send a follow up letter to your reviewer specifically, thanking them for the time they spent to interview you and for the opportunity to be consider for that position. Even if you don’t get the job they are more likely to remember you when you apply for another position. It also shows follow through and that you are someone who does work and is appreciative

Craigs list


USA Jobs

Washington post


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