OK in general I like to talk about things not so heavy like boobs, one night stands and over all shenanigans, but today something that is very controversial and more then likely going to offend a lot of people (those who this offends you should really just go f off) pissed me off more so then normal. So it started when I woke up and heard that thousands of classified documents have been released regarding the war (hey thanks buddy you sure are doing a great job SSBI… gone). The documents range from covert operations to kill high up taliban (oh word wants me to capitalize that.. hahaha yah) figures (isn’t that like the point to kill them) to more civilian casualties then originally disclosed ( it’s sad but it’s war that happens). May I remind you of all the civilian and non civilian casualties we have lost since 9/11, sure there are those who will say “these people had nothing to do with that!” Well here is what I have to say, if you know that your son, daughter ,husband, friend, neighbor, enemy is in fact in the dessert/cave wondering taliban (hey I would be pissed too if I always had sand in my pants)

(ahhh the rain isn’t coming better sacrifice a goat) that we the western world had back in the dark ages and we all know how that worked out. Honestly how many times have we tried to hand over even the slightest of responsibility to them and they still can’t handle it. I am not saying that every one over there is worthless or unwilling to help (even though the vast majority are D-bags) but really how can we help a people who can’t or don’t want to help themselves. I know that many factors contributed to us going to war some bad (like oil or the fact war makes alot of people rich) some good (... loss for words) but regardless we are there and it’s not working. Sure woman are going to school again, and Saddam is gone but isn’t that enough… can’t we just leave. If we pull out it will not discredit those who have lost their lives there, but do we need to loose any more. The fact of the matter is they will always hate us (shit they hate themselves) so why are we over there pissing them off even more. We need to just walk away, and watch them from a far and make sure they don’t bother us, let them kill each other. If we were so concerned with them killing each other then why don’t we go into Africa and help them, or into south Korea (oh I know why…. they don’t have anything we need) and stop those oppressive regimes. There is nothing to gain by being there anymore, I want our people home and stop wasting money on those sub humans and spend money on the American people. Children die here from preventable dieses everyday, people are loosing their homes and yet all we want to do is throw money at trying to set up a government and improve the lives of those ignorant d-bags over there ( oh because I am so sure they will be our friends and have our back someday yah…). This is not a war that can be won, there is nothing worth while over there, we have done enough and it’s time to say there is nothing more we can do. Sure people will say “you all went over there and messed things up even more” ok not really.. they had shit before and theykinda sorta have less shit now.. so that’s an improvement, and who’s fault is that? Not ours, they can’t even keep corruption from their police departments (yah yah we have corruption too.. but we are not at killing everyone over it). I just want our men and woman home back to their families and the billions of dollars we ship over there used to improve the lives of Americans not the Iraqi’s’ or the afghans.. let them figure it out… let them deal with it. We gave them a frame work and when they are ready to realize religion is not worth dyeing over they know where to look for help. I just do not care about anyone over there or improving there lives, no one helps us everyone hates us because of this let’s just walk away and save lives on both sides. That is all…
Kat, I agree with you on this. This war is bullshit and the millions/billions of dollars we are spending just to have our forces over there is ridiculous!! We have plenty of our own homeless here in the USA. Too many children with no families, homes or food. We should be helping the American citizens way before going to another F'ing country to try and help them! Ugh! I get so passionate about things I shouldn't but then again, I wish more people would! =/