Lets face it shit happens… and sometimes this shit happens (inside you) late at night after a copious amounts of liquor has been consumed (jagger you are a cruel bitch lover). Every one has been in this position before (please say this isn’t just me) you wake up not sure where you are or who the f that is (nice……) and it’s time to sneak out with more stealth then the Jap’s on Dec 7th (you tricky lil f’ers).

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A must for any respectable college boy |
frat paddle and the ever so popular “lend a hand” naked chicks poster vicariously placed over the bed (well you kinda remember it spinning over your head) and you realize yah he’s about as clean as Paris Hilton in her teens (come on no one is as dirty as she is now.. <3 u Paris). Well it’s Sunday and unless you can find a doctor willing to inject you with a years stock of penicillin in the next 10 mins then you're prob just screwed, move on no point in worrying about spilt milk (or aids.. yah that’s comparable) Go to the Gyno asap on Monday and call it a day. Ok second problem you are either to cheap or to lazy to stay on your regimen of prescribed birth control pills, and pulling a knocked up (great movie) is not really in the cards (CVS here we come). You began to immediately walk out of the room until you realize, hey I still look like a walking nightmare let’s not make this so obvious (standard leggings, flip flops and hoodie… check). You walk in to CVS looking like you are about to steal something and slink your way to the back… Of course there are no female pharmacists working (in reality everyone is going to judge regardless) so you whisper to the pharm. Tec. and ask for Plan B, you are then faced with the option of generic like $40.00 bucks aptly named next choice (why couldn’t they just call it opps, or last night yah… pill honestly)
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or Plan B around $60.00 (yep they really want to kick you when you're down). This is were I will interject for a moment with a fabulous little tale of what NOT to do… sooo I decided to go with the Plan B version (I wanted to feel like a rich slut and get the $60.00 one) he slides the box over the counter and as I look at it the box has changed and now you only have to take one pill instead of two. He begins with the standard shpill of side effects… this may make you sick, you may feel… I cut him off and blurt out oh new box that’s cool… he then pauses and looks at me with sheer disapproval in his eyes, shakes his head and rings me up… moral of the story don’t tell on yourself… but I digress… so you can buy either pill Plan B now only has one pill and Second Choice has two pills that you have to take in 12 hour segments (even though you can prob. take them in about 3 hours of each other and still feel like a champion). You take your box wrapped up in the lovely CVS “we care” bag, stop to buy a drink and slink your way back to your car where you immediately chug your drink and your pill (it’s not that you were in a rush to take the pill you were just really dehydrated). Now on your ride home you have time to collect your thoughts, and piece together what little you remember from the night before, so you check your phone to see who you drunk dialed (eww.. your ex) and then the camera, (it’s the only way I have of knowing what in the balls happened last night) and see some facebook worthy photos of you and your girls,
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Yah that's a keeper.... |
and 1 pic of the guy who you just had to blow $40-$60 bucks on (was he really worth it?... ha). Another word of caution don’t ever wake the dude up and mention “hey you wanna split the morning after pill?”… because 1. you don’t know what you told him last night (yah yah don’t worry I’m totally on the pill) and 2. that’s just down right awkward…. Just suck it up and get it yourself… After pulling yourself together and letting the reality of the situation sink in you pull a U’y and head straight to Taco Bell (Victory with a side of diarrhea.. to flush the toxins out form last night) and voew never to drink again (well until black out Tuesdays in two days I LOVE YOU WVU) While this story is comical to say the least it does happen, and you should learn from my mistakes and just try really hard to control drunk you and play it safe, or don’t get strange at all (hahahahah sorry I was just laughing hysterically at the prospect.. no ass.. haha yah…). So here are a few things to remember
1. STD’s do happen, and they will f with you and your life. So just play it safe.
2. While pregnancy is a wonderful thing it’s not so cool with a dude you can’t even remember his first name let alone what he looks like.
3. Don’t tell on your self cover your tracks and avoid awkward situations
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Sorry this pic was to good to pass up! |
Now for any guys reading this story… Just don’t do it… no matter what she says it’s not cool… don’t do it (and you know what I am talking about… you and your man juice). You should play it safe too, wrap it up, after all if she’s coming home with you then this probably isn’t her first rodeo, and you don’t know what she has any more then you know what her last name is. Also don’t wake your dumb ass up if you see her trying to sneak out she didn’t wake you up for a reason… or if she does get you up… help her gather her things, and offer her a ride home don’t be a dick… (I mean you literally just violently and sloppily invaded her personal space... it’s the least you can do).
Everyone be smart and have fun…
Bahahahaha OMG Kat!! Girl you are crazy!