Sooo.. last night, as I was playing MW2 (Modern Warfare 2 for those of you not cool enough to know video game acronyms) I realized, hey I am f’ing hungry…. and as any video game playing slacker would tell you the only thing that would fill this void would be…. yes you guessed it filet mignon with a delicate red wine reduction.. no you ass TAQUITOS the food of the gods (and stoners). So I venture out to procure myself said treats… my adventure and enthusiasm for acquiring my delicate little rolls of heaven ends as soon as I walk into of all places Wally-World (ok… so what… it’s close and I felt like supporting communism yesterday) and am almost mowed down by a morbidly obese person in a handicap shopping cart (frozen pizza’s were in high demand)….
WTF you are not handicapped you are fat… and you did that to yourself. Those carts are reserved for the elderly or for real disabled people not people who are to lazy to even go to the doctors and get gastric bypass surgery… Unfortunately I did not have my droid (ha... best phone ever suck it Apple) or I would have taken a picture of their globular thighs protruding out and over the sides of the seat (how is that even comfortable). My problem with them is that they can in fact walk, and maybe if they did more of it they wouldn’t need a motorized anything to get around… You had to truffle shuffle
your fat
your fat
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Acceptable motorized object Run fatty run... |
ass from the car (which I am sure you have a handicap sticker on it because you are sooo… handicapped) into wally-world and then waddle your way over to customer service to get them to unlock it or get them to find it for you because you are to lazy (correlation between fat and lazy… yep I think sooo..) to find the carts yourself. I think that instead of handing over the keys to these people they should be forced to walk around and collect the food that is making them so fat, maybe it would deter them from buying as much (seeing as how they would only make it the first isle full of vegetables). We as a culture look down on the obese and yet we are their biggest enablers. I am not saying to go around and preach to every fat person about how they should change their life (Yah I would slap a hoe) but honestly they should not be able to use those carts, and they should not be able to have handicap stickers on their cars. Make them have the shitty parking spots all the way in the back in middle earth
around the store to collect their food, maybe it will help to burn off some of the calories they are purchasing. We should be helping them not hurting them, and while public ridicule is probably very effective it’s just as annoying to hear skinny people talk about weight as it is to see fattys on parade in shopping carts…
Dang I was about to do a poem about this very thing. I was searching pictures and found That one of the guy in the chair. Then I saw your blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm in total agreement as well. Working retail
I see this all day...