Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What gets me through work...

I am sure that not everyone is that cool kid (if in fact this is a classification of being cool now) who knows about the newest YouTube video phenomenon, or those awesomely random obscure sites you just have to see. So I think I should share some of my favorite sites that my cool friends have shared with me, and some I have found myself. If it wasn’t for these sites I really don’t know what I would do with myself at work, or even at home (you can only contemplate why Cheney has yet to reveal himself as an evil troll demon so many times… what I think about these things). So comment back if you have websites that have to be seen, and thus elevating yourself to “cool”.

This is truly an amazeballs site to say the least. Hilarious lists, random facts, and even better articles about amusing nothingness.

I have just started to follow this site and while blatantly liberal I love it. Great current U.S. and world news with random stories like Lilo going to jail articles mixed in. You get educated while you laugh and if you are like me I force myself to read the important ones about oh say… health care reform and reward myself by then reading about Snookies contract negation status. It keeps you up to date on all the important stuff.

who doesn’t love having the Wal-Mart (freaking word recognizes this store and corrected it… wtf) experience from the comfort of your home or office without that hot dog and urine smell stuck to your cloths. Sure you feel bad that you are having a knee slapper of a laugh at the expense of others (eh… not so much) but honestly don’t these people know that they will be laughed at. I equate it to girls who have their tatters out and then get mad that guys look at them… you were kinda asking for it so embrace it. Same goes with the fashionably challenged, you should know you look like a freak so embrace it and show the world.

Ok not really a website but a great toolbar to help you find those obscure websites you have only heard your hipster friends talk about(or those creepy kids who hangout at Starbucks talk about). It saves your preferences and helps you find randomness based off of your likes and interests, and your other searches. Not so sure if everything you “stumbleupon” is work safe but try it out at home.

Pretty sure every family has at least 3 photos that could be added to this site, but it’s great to point and laugh at others, and pretend like your family is not so… well awkward. This site is amazingly funny and as the site gains popularity as does the pictures pool. They even have categories for their pictures; say you wanted to just look at funny graduation pictures (if only to make yourself feel better about that candid one your grandma took that shows your diploma and your double chin) well they have a category for that. Over all super great.

Enough said, if you have gone to college in the past 3 years you know all about this site and are more the likely a contributor. It’s a compilation of the things you said when you were blackout and well, things you say that make no sense.
This site is a compilation of funny pictures, funny videos and just down right funny stuff about people failing at everything from epic typos to people just failing at life. I love it and makes me feel better about myself….(yah…)

Not so sure if this site is responsible for adding to the English language the most useful acronym of all time (and one that I seem to use a lot.. fml) none the less it’s originality and over all amazeballsness is well amazing… Funny little stories to make you not want to fml so much.

If you like to stalk or more importantly enjoy looking up pictures of creepers (btw any normal person could have looked at these people on the streets and said yep they’re defiantly a child molester) check this site out. It gives you pinpoint locations of sex offenders from where they live to where they work and a bio of priors… so you can protect your children and even more importantly get a good laugh.

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