So I am pretty sure everyone knows what I am talking about when I say you can point a homeschooler out from a mile away. If it isn’t for the uniform

(a risky long jean skirt with home made shirt that matches all of their 20 brothers and sisters) it’s the social awkwardness. I presume that a lot of parents who choose to home school do so on the premise that they want to have control over their children’s education (and every aspect of their lives) and see the public and private schools failing to meet their educational standards. In this country (U.S.A ALL THE WAY) home schooling and religious fanaticism go together like well…. home schooling and religious fanaticism. My problem is not with their educational standards, or their curriculum (if Jesus had saved 3 souls and the evil prince of darkness’s sin engulfed 1 soul how many souls are left?) it’s with the things that can not be learned by only interacting with your siblings, your mother, and your bible. Things like social norms, how to interact with your peers, how to stand up for yourself, or how to create and individuality for your self. Home school kids miss out on mile stones, best friends on the play ground, school dances, being picked last in gym class, and even getting bullied (yah I wouldn’t know anything about that). Sure not all of those things are great experiences, but they are experiences none the less that teach you so much more. Parents think by withdrawing their children from society that they will for ever be shielded from the evils that lurk out side of their home (down with youtube and the homosexuals). The truth is the world is going to be the world, and if you do not help to prepare your kids for it, then what the hell is going to happen when it is right in their face (that’s what she said.. haha). They will have no idea how to deal with someone being rude to them, how to deal with being in a crowd, how to act around the opposite sex (pretty sure their marriages are arranged so… this might not be a prob.) down to how to dress like a normal participating member of society. I have known a few people who are products of homeschooling and while they are very sweet (to nice if you ask me….) have impeccable manners they lack any sense of individuality or personality and are horribly naive. What happens when these kids go to college (that is if they are not already married by 18, just so they can finally get laid)? Do they know how to even make friends, or how to deal with drunk people, with different cultures, with frat boys or even how to have fun (“hey guys want to come to my dorm and watch Glen Beck?”… “uhhh..F’ off”)? It’s not safe to let someone so naive wonder the streets of this world, they have no idea what’s out there or how to deal with dangerous situations
Sneaky, sneaky... |
(‘Here let me get you a drink”… mmm.. how did that ruffie-collata taste). I just don’t understand why parents would want to deprive their children of school dances, field trips, play ground politics, clubs, after school sports, SOCIAL INTERACTION. Germany has made it illegal to home school (people are still Ann Frank’n it and hiding and doing it), and here in the states I think we should do the same. Home schooling at the very least should be stopped once the child reaches middle school 5th grade (you already stole half of their childhood, let them have their teen years) if not gotten rid of all together except for special circumstances like children with disabilities or behavioral problems. Home schooling should be for the betterment of the child not a hindrance. Recently on a whim I was like “hey I want to mold the young impressionable minds of the youth, how’s about I become a teacher”, yah not so much you kind gotta get certified for that.
So who is passing out teaching certificates to these mothers of 12 in jean clad jumpers? ( Black people don't home school.....?)>
There is a governing body of home schooler’s but honestly do they really now what’s going on in that home? Like I said before my problem is not with the education taught from books
( ca.. ca.. cat.. F’ this reading shit I’m gonna be a stripper)

it’s the lack of social interaction, and inability to ever be able to fit in EVER.
"Ann Frank’n it"...hahaha! love you!