Wednesday, July 21, 2010

So easy a cavewoman can do it....

Thanks to one of my friends who sent this story to me because she thought I would enjoy it (ahh.. you know me all to well) and I do… so I thought I would share it here as well.. Apparently cavewoman Sue wasn’t anymore happier about her man in bed (or her lonely nights spent watching oxygen) then we are. This “tool” as it is being referred to as is unmistakably shaped like a penis (hehe it’s just as fun to say as it was in 6th grade).. and what do you do with things shaped like a Penis… well you shove them up things shaped like vaginas. This might actually be the first sex toy ever found or some teenage caveman letting out his sexual angst in the form of penis art
(eat your heart out Georgia O’Keefe). I have to say that as a non-scientist that this has to be more then just a coincidence.What in your everyday living as a caveman, would you have to have a penis shaped anything for.... cooking, self defense, hunting,cleaning, house chores…(hey honey hand me the penis I need to shove some shit up in this hole). Really what else could this possible be used for other then making up for the short comings of caveman Joe…. The historical significance of this I believe is that it gives us another dimension of the social and cognitive skills of early man. Sex was being enjoyed and things to simulate that experience were being created (necessity is the mother of all in inventions after all) that is a lot of thought process for some one who has yet to invent the internet (ok I was going to say wheel but I don’t know when that came about sooo…)
wheel < ancient dildo.. you tell me what’s cooler… any who.... I hope more info comes out about it and someone with experience in ancient sex toys (enter Ron Jeremy) can figure out just exactly what it is and the significance of it to the understanding of early man.. and their libido.


  1. Yay! The story I sent you made it on your blog! :)

    Georgia O'Keefe is one of my heroes. This was the wallpaper on my cell phone for a long time:

    You also might like these. I call them the Vagina Horses & we sell them at the gallery:
