Friday, July 30, 2010

thats hardcore...


I had just gotten out of my car and I start to hear music, so I look around to see what douche bag teenager was jammin out at O-dark-thirty and to my amazement the music was coming from the motorcycle at a red light with a fat old dude on it. So as I shrug taking in the meaningless randomness of it all I notice what song it is, IT’S GLAMBERT.. Adam Lambert from AI… for those of you who have not spent time in a gay bar recently. I f’ing love him and so do old fat dude’s on motorcycles

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Your kid was always bat shit crazy... sorry

So while this subject has not really been in the news as of late I thought I would bring it up before some psycho, crazy, loner, goth ( goth as in balck trench coat and dirty not the lil girl with the Team Jacobe shirt on because I so am that girl)
not them...
 kid shoots his dog and blames it on MW2 (which is the best game ever kiss my ass if you don’t think so). I always think it funny how people are so touchy about racial profiling or even just stereotyping at all, sure it propagates racism, elitism, ignorance yahta yahta yahta but in some instances it would be really useful. Ever wonder why when the mug shot is released of a child molester or school shooter you look at it and are like” yah you totally look like a child molester or creepo school shooter”? You never see their mug shot and say oh you are perfectly normal and well adjusted. This is why kids and pedi creepos (like the ones with the 1980’s polo shirt buttoned up to the top with a pedi stash)
Yep, prob doing something illegal in
his mom's basement
should at the very least be monitored more. It’s not stereotyping if the stereotyping is correct, then it was just a good hypothesis. Also who in the F are these creepers parents? Like do you not know your son looks like a school shooter, did you not notice him crying to a cradle of filth CD? The parents of the columbine shooter acted like they had no idea their kid was a creep, or withdrawn or had two 9mils, 4 shotguns, a sawed off and a TEC 9 under his bed. What mother of a teen does not snoop through everything their child owns at least 2 times a day (oh la la la my son is such a trickster hiding these fake guns under his bed.. silly boy)? Then they get on TV and talk about how video games like
we have come so far with cgi...
 Doom or Duke Nukem (great game you see boobies) did this to their loving not at all socially withdrawn son. Your kid was bat shit crazy before he played the game and was bat shit crazy after he played the game. Video games if anything gave your bat shit crazy kid maybe some ideas but if you think your kid will pick up some really bad habits like oh I don’t know killing people, then you have more problems then keeping them away from halo 3. On the other hand parents who try to shield their kids from the real world or even fantasy i.e. video games, harry potter books, weegie boards( because you so now that El Diablo and Milton Bradley are in kahoot’s)
exact replica of satan's board
1. question their ability to parent and how they brought up their own children, and don't believe that their child has the skills or the knowledge to understand and separate reality from the games they play (yay.. lets jump off this cliff we will just respawn and get that sweet accident prone title) or 2. they are total weirdos who want to micro manage their children’s life so bad, to the point that they intentionally limit and sensor what their child see’s, hear and ultimately
What a wonderful Utopia
what they think... thus filling their heads with their own beliefs and understandings about those beliefs so that the child is incapable of making their own conclusions and thus lives a life of a naive drone whom propagates 1 unfiltered belief on life… ok rant done.. but still wtf just talk to your kid, be the over baring, over protective parent you know you want to be or are you just to lazy and don’t give a damn? Which brings me to the V Tech kid who even went for psychiatric help and no one did anything like where were your parents, why did they not know enough about you to sense that something was wrong. My rents are so far up my ass I can’t breath with out my mom nagging at me about how I could do it better. Parents should realize that just like that dog that bit someone and now you are being sued, yah you are just as responsible for your child’s actions even though they are not as cute as Cujo gnawing on your neighbors face over there.
No one wants to take responsibility for anything anymore, we spend so much time trying to point the finger that we loose complete site of what we are even trying to pin on xbox. Parents just talk to your damn crazy kids, and crazy kids if you hate the world so much either go to Africa and live in a tribe you will be back in a week with a major attitude adjustment, or if you have too, only hurt yourself (I do not condone hurting yourself at all but I think you should really just suck it up and stop being such a puss everyone has problems) don’t bring others down with you.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blah Blah Blah..

Soooo... I have really had nothing to say... nothing (or no one) has pissed me off of late and unless John Stamos bursts through this door and kicks me in the tatter I don't think I will have anything worth while to talk about... Not that I wish for stupid crap to happen I just like it when it does (oh drama llama you are sooo fickel)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Just bring them home...

OK in general I like to talk about things not so heavy like boobs, one night stands and over all shenanigans, but today something that is very controversial and more then likely going to offend a lot of people (those who this offends you should really just go f off) pissed me off more so then normal. So it started when I woke up and heard that thousands of classified documents have been released regarding the war (hey thanks buddy you sure are doing a great job SSBI… gone). The documents range from covert operations to kill high up taliban (oh word wants me to capitalize that.. hahaha yah) figures (isn’t that like the point to kill them) to more civilian casualties then originally disclosed ( it’s sad but it’s war that happens). May I remind you of all the civilian and non civilian casualties we have lost since 9/11, sure there are those who will say “these people had nothing to do with that!” Well here is what I have to say, if you know that your son, daughter ,husband, friend, neighbor, enemy is in fact in the dessert/cave wondering taliban (hey I would be pissed too if I always had sand in my pants)
and don’t do anything about it then you are just as guilty as they are. Learn to control your own people, take reasonability for your people’s actions and do something. You all are killing each other over RELIGION (yah that makes sense) and it’s not even different religions, you all are the same damn thing… why does it matter. I want our Men and Woman home there is no helping these ignorant people, they are living with the same ideologies

 (ahhh the rain isn’t coming better sacrifice a goat) that we the western world had back in the dark ages and we all know how that worked out. Honestly how many times have we tried to hand over even the slightest of responsibility to them and they still can’t handle it. I am not saying that every one over there is worthless or unwilling to help (even though the vast majority are D-bags) but really how can we help a people who can’t or don’t want to help themselves. I know that many factors contributed to us going to war some bad (like oil or the fact war makes alot of people rich) some good (... loss for words) but regardless we are there and it’s not working. Sure woman are going to school again, and Saddam is gone but isn’t that enough… can’t we just leave. If we pull out it will not discredit those who have lost their lives there, but do we need to loose any more. The fact of the matter is they will always hate us (shit they hate themselves) so why are we over there pissing them off even more. We need to just walk away, and watch them from a far and make sure they don’t bother us, let them kill each other. If we were so concerned with them killing each other then why don’t we go into Africa and help them, or into south Korea (oh I know why…. they don’t have anything we need) and stop those oppressive regimes. There is nothing to gain by being there anymore, I want our people home and stop wasting money on those sub humans and spend money on the American people. Children die here from preventable dieses everyday, people are loosing their homes and yet all we want to do is throw money at trying to set up a government and improve the lives of those ignorant d-bags over there ( oh because I am so sure they will be our friends and have our back someday yah…). This is not a war that can be won, there is nothing worth while over there, we have done enough and it’s time to say there is nothing more we can do. Sure people will say “you all went over there and messed things up even more” ok not really.. they had shit before and theykinda sorta have less shit now.. so that’s an improvement, and who’s fault is that? Not ours, they can’t even keep corruption from their police departments (yah yah we have corruption too.. but we are not at killing everyone over it). I just want our men and woman home back to their families and the billions of dollars we ship over there used to improve the lives of Americans not the Iraqi’s’ or the afghans.. let them figure it out… let them deal with it. We gave them a frame work and when they are ready to realize religion is not worth dyeing over they know where to look for help. I just do not care about anyone over there or improving there lives, no one helps us everyone hates us because of this let’s just walk away and save lives on both sides. That is all…

Friday, July 23, 2010

Plan B.. Uh that was my plan A...

Lets face it shit happens… and sometimes this shit happens (inside you) late at night after a copious amounts of liquor has been consumed (jagger you are a cruel bitch lover). Every one has been in this position before (please say this isn’t just me) you wake up not sure where you are or who the f that is (nice……) and it’s time to sneak out with more stealth then the Jap’s on Dec 7th (you tricky lil f’ers).
You make your walk or rather your stumble or drive of shame home with the delightful taste of liquor and cigs on your breath (DUI officer.. no no I was drunk “last” night…), both are pretty bad because regardless, you are dressed in a hodgepodge of what you had on last night with make up smeared across your face so bad it would make the Joker proud. You stumble your way up to your room with all intentions of going back into your alcohol induced comma when it hits you… ohhh… we banged out…. You think to yourself did we bang out?… yah…. did we wrap it up?….meeehhhh I don’t know (oh you know you didn’t… drunk you is a lot skankyer then you would think) let’s air on the side of caution and say we didn’t (hey what ever helps you sleep at night… sluty McSlutterson) now you are faced with 2 problems. First problem you ask yourself did that dude look clean? Then you remember the
A must for any respectable college boy
frat paddle and the ever so popular “lend a hand” naked chicks poster vicariously placed over the bed (well you kinda remember it spinning over your head) and you realize yah he’s about as clean as Paris Hilton in her teens (come on no one is as dirty as she is now.. <3 u Paris). Well it’s Sunday and unless you can find a doctor willing to inject you with a years stock of penicillin in the next 10 mins then you're prob just screwed, move on no point in worrying about spilt milk (or aids.. yah that’s comparable) Go to the Gyno asap on Monday and call it a day. Ok second problem you are either to cheap or to lazy to stay on your regimen of prescribed birth control pills, and pulling a knocked up (great movie) is not really in the cards (CVS here we come). You began to immediately walk out of the room until you realize, hey I still look like a walking nightmare let’s not make this so obvious (standard leggings, flip flops and hoodie… check). You walk in to CVS looking like you are about to steal something and slink your way to the back… Of course there are no female pharmacists working (in reality everyone is going to judge regardless) so you whisper to the pharm. Tec. and ask for Plan B, you are then faced with the option of generic like $40.00 bucks aptly named next choice (why couldn’t they just call it opps, or last night yah… pill honestly)
or Plan B around $60.00 (yep they really want to kick you when you're down). This is were I will interject for a moment with  a fabulous little tale of what NOT to do… sooo I decided to go with the Plan B version (I wanted to feel like a rich slut and get the $60.00 one) he slides the box over the counter and as I look at it the box has changed and now you only have to take one pill instead of two. He begins with the standard shpill of side effects… this may make you sick, you may feel… I cut him off and blurt out oh new box that’s cool… he then pauses and looks at me with sheer disapproval in his eyes, shakes his head and rings me up… moral of the story don’t tell on yourself… but I digress… so you can buy either pill Plan B now only has one pill and Second Choice has two pills that you have to take in 12 hour segments (even though you can prob. take them in about 3 hours of each other and still feel like a champion). You take your box wrapped up in the lovely CVS “we care” bag, stop to buy a drink and slink your way back to your car where you immediately chug your drink and your pill (it’s not that you were in a rush to take the pill you were just really dehydrated). Now on your ride home you have time to collect your thoughts, and piece together what little you remember from the night before, so you check your phone to see who you drunk dialed (eww.. your ex) and then the camera, (it’s the only way I have of knowing what in the balls happened last night) and see some facebook worthy photos of you and your girls,
Yah that's a keeper....
 and 1 pic of the guy who you just had to blow $40-$60 bucks on (was he really worth it?... ha). Another word of caution don’t ever wake the dude up and mention “hey you wanna split the morning after pill?”… because 1. you don’t know what you told him last night (yah yah don’t worry I’m totally on the pill) and 2. that’s just down right awkward…. Just suck it up and get it yourself… After pulling yourself together and letting the reality of the situation sink in you pull a U’y and head straight to Taco Bell (Victory with a side of diarrhea.. to flush the toxins out form last night) and voew never to drink again (well until black out Tuesdays in two days I LOVE YOU WVU) While this story is comical to say the least it does happen, and you should learn from my mistakes and just try really hard to control drunk you and play it safe, or don’t get strange at all (hahahahah sorry I was just laughing hysterically at the prospect.. no ass.. haha yah…). So here are a few things to remember

1. STD’s do happen, and they will f with you and your life. So just play it safe.
2. While pregnancy is a wonderful thing it’s not so cool with a dude you can’t even remember his first name let alone what he looks like.
3. Don’t tell on your self cover your tracks and avoid awkward situations
Sorry this pic was to good to pass up!
4. FRAT BOYS ARE FILTHY FILTHY CREATERS…well most men are filthy beasts so just put that in your pocket and remind yourself here and there…

Now for any guys reading this story… Just don’t do it… no matter what she says it’s not cool… don’t do it (and you know what I am talking about… you and your man juice). You should play it safe too, wrap it up, after all if she’s coming home with you then this probably isn’t her first rodeo, and you don’t know what she has any more then you know what her last name is. Also don’t wake your dumb ass up if you see her trying to sneak out she didn’t wake you up for a reason… or if she does get you up… help her gather her things, and offer her a ride home don’t be a dick… (I mean you literally just violently and sloppily invaded her personal space... it’s the least you can do).

Everyone be smart and have fun…

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fatty's be ridin dirty

Sooo.. last night, as I was playing MW2 (Modern Warfare 2 for those of you not cool enough to know video game acronyms) I realized, hey I am f’ing hungry…. and as any video game playing slacker would tell you the only thing that would fill this void would be…. yes you guessed it filet mignon with a delicate red wine reduction.. no you ass TAQUITOS the food of the gods (and stoners). So I venture out to procure myself said treats… my adventure and enthusiasm for acquiring my delicate little rolls of heaven ends as soon as I walk into of all places Wally-World (ok… so what… it’s close and I felt like supporting communism yesterday) and am almost mowed down by a morbidly obese person in a handicap shopping cart (frozen pizza’s were in high demand)….
WTF you are not handicapped you are fat… and you did that to yourself. Those carts are reserved for the elderly or for real disabled people not people who are to lazy to even go to the doctors and get gastric bypass surgery… Unfortunately I did not have my droid (ha... best phone ever suck it Apple) or I would have taken a picture of their globular thighs protruding out and over the sides of the seat (how is that even comfortable). My problem with them is that they can in fact walk, and maybe if they did more of it they wouldn’t need a motorized anything to get around… You had to truffle shuffle
your fat

Acceptable motorized object
Run fatty run...
ass from the car (which I am sure you have a handicap sticker on it because you are sooo… handicapped) into wally-world and then waddle your way over to customer service to get them to unlock it or get them to find it for you because you are to lazy (correlation between fat and lazy… yep I think sooo..) to find the carts yourself. I think that instead of handing over the keys to these people they should be forced to walk around and collect the food that is making them so fat, maybe it would deter them from buying as much (seeing as how they would only make it the first isle full of vegetables). We as a culture look down on the obese and yet we are their biggest enablers. I am not saying to go around and preach to every fat person about how they should change their life (Yah I would slap a hoe) but honestly they should not be able to use those carts, and they should not be able to have handicap stickers on their cars. Make them have the shitty parking spots all the way in the back in middle earth
so they are forced to walk further. Make them walk
 around the store to collect their food, maybe it will help to burn off some of the calories they are purchasing. We should be helping them not hurting them, and while public ridicule is probably very effective it’s just as annoying to hear skinny people talk about weight as it is to see fattys on parade in shopping carts…


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

So easy a cavewoman can do it....

Thanks to one of my friends who sent this story to me because she thought I would enjoy it (ahh.. you know me all to well) and I do… so I thought I would share it here as well.. Apparently cavewoman Sue wasn’t anymore happier about her man in bed (or her lonely nights spent watching oxygen) then we are. This “tool” as it is being referred to as is unmistakably shaped like a penis (hehe it’s just as fun to say as it was in 6th grade).. and what do you do with things shaped like a Penis… well you shove them up things shaped like vaginas. This might actually be the first sex toy ever found or some teenage caveman letting out his sexual angst in the form of penis art
(eat your heart out Georgia O’Keefe). I have to say that as a non-scientist that this has to be more then just a coincidence.What in your everyday living as a caveman, would you have to have a penis shaped anything for.... cooking, self defense, hunting,cleaning, house chores…(hey honey hand me the penis I need to shove some shit up in this hole). Really what else could this possible be used for other then making up for the short comings of caveman Joe…. The historical significance of this I believe is that it gives us another dimension of the social and cognitive skills of early man. Sex was being enjoyed and things to simulate that experience were being created (necessity is the mother of all in inventions after all) that is a lot of thought process for some one who has yet to invent the internet (ok I was going to say wheel but I don’t know when that came about sooo…)
wheel < ancient dildo.. you tell me what’s cooler… any who.... I hope more info comes out about it and someone with experience in ancient sex toys (enter Ron Jeremy) can figure out just exactly what it is and the significance of it to the understanding of early man.. and their libido.

My tatters say buy me drinks... your tatters say wtf...

Ok girls…wtf is with boys starring at our fun bags, all I want to do is have a fun time with my girls and get shammamerd!
Oh wait I know why, those golden tickets to life are out and just screaming to be moterboated!! I see so many girls out (myself included) with their tatters pushed up to their chins, their nipples just barely tucked into that baby gap (for sluts) shirt and lookin a hot mess up at the bar, and yet many of these same girls (myself not included) wonder why guys can not seem to make eye contact with them when trying to lay down some game. I and many of my friends

My Hoe's
 < (what up hoes) dress rather provocatively and know that we look like total skanks when we go out (hey are we dressing like I am easy but you have to buy me a drink, or let’s rail some lines and do this?). I can’t stand the hypocrisy of it all, you want to look skanky but you don’t want people to think you are a skank…how does that work? Who are you dressing for anyways when you go out looking like that, what you like to look skanky to turn your self on, or maybe your hoe bag friends like to see your sweater gremlins… no you did it for attention! We all know guys are perverted it’s in their DNA and some guys have such a good imagination that even under your north face fleece and hoody they still could imagine those glorious beasts just bouncing up and down at them, but should we have a problem with that? I don’t feel violated when a dude stares at my tatters, especially if I have them out, wasn’t that the point?
 (no money tonight better bring out the twins). So what about those awkward situations when you are not trying to look skanky and your boobs are just tucked away in that nasty old sports bra at the gym, and that creeper on the bike keeps starring at you? (who rides bikes….)

1. Get over it, and get over your self, how do you really know he is even looking at you?

2. Ok he is looking at you, is it really bothering you that Creeper-Maggie is getting his jolly’s off of your sweaty tits.

3. You do have a problem with being included in his spank bank, so yell from the elliptical over to the bikes “hey chester are you looking at these and forcibly grab your love pillows and shake…(works like a charm)

Problem solved…

I just don’t think confusing the already flustered mind of a dude trying to get some strange, by putting your tatters out there and then being all uptight about him looking at them is right. If you don’t want people to stare at your who-ha’s then don’t put them out there, tuck them away… wear a sports bra (uni-boob is soo hot this season) and get on with your prude stuck up life.

Words used to reference Breast’s:
Fun Bags
Golden Tickets to Life
Sweater Gremlins
Glorious Beasts
Love Pillows

You can so tell you were home schooled....

So I am pretty sure everyone knows what I am talking about when I say you can point a homeschooler out from a mile away. If it isn’t for the uniform
(a risky long jean skirt with home made shirt that matches all of their 20 brothers and sisters) it’s the social awkwardness. I presume that a lot of parents who choose to home school do so on the premise that they want to have control over their children’s education (and every aspect of their lives) and see the public and private schools failing to meet their educational standards. In this country (U.S.A ALL THE WAY) home schooling and religious fanaticism go together like well…. home schooling and religious fanaticism. My problem is not with their educational standards, or their curriculum (if Jesus had saved 3 souls and the evil prince of darkness’s sin engulfed 1 soul how many souls are left?) it’s with the things that can not be learned by only interacting with your siblings, your mother, and your bible. Things like social norms, how to interact with your peers, how to stand up for yourself, or how to create and individuality for your self. Home school kids miss out on mile stones, best friends on the play ground, school dances, being picked last in gym class, and even getting bullied (yah I wouldn’t know anything about that). Sure not all of those things are great experiences, but they are experiences none the less that teach you so much more. Parents think by withdrawing their children from society that they will for ever be shielded from the evils that lurk out side of their home (down with youtube and the homosexuals). The truth is the world is going to be the world, and if you do not help to prepare your kids for it, then what the hell is going to happen when it is right in their face (that’s what she said.. haha). They will have no idea how to deal with someone being rude to them, how to deal with being in a crowd, how to act around the opposite sex (pretty sure their marriages are arranged so… this might not be a prob.) down to how to dress like a normal participating member of society. I have known a few people who are products of homeschooling and while they are very sweet (to nice if you ask me….) have impeccable manners they lack any sense of individuality or personality and are horribly naive. What happens when these kids go to college (that is if they are not already married by 18, just so they can finally get laid)? Do they know how to even make friends, or how to deal with drunk people, with different cultures, with frat boys or even how to have fun (“hey guys want to come to my dorm and watch Glen Beck?”… “uhhh..F’ off”)? It’s not safe to let someone so naive wonder the streets of this world, they have no idea what’s out there or how to deal with dangerous situations
Sneaky, sneaky...
(‘Here let me get you a drink”… mmm.. how did that ruffie-collata taste). I just don’t understand why parents would want to deprive their children of school dances, field trips, play ground politics, clubs, after school sports, SOCIAL INTERACTION. Germany has made it illegal to home school (people are still Ann Frank’n it and hiding and doing it), and here in the states I think we should do the same. Home schooling at the very least should be stopped once the child reaches middle school 5th grade (you already stole half of their childhood, let them have their teen years) if not gotten rid of all together except for special circumstances like children with disabilities or behavioral problems. Home schooling should be for the betterment of the child not a hindrance. Recently on a whim I was like “hey I want to mold the young impressionable minds of the youth, how’s about I become a teacher”, yah not so much you kind gotta get certified for that.

So who is passing out teaching certificates to these mothers of 12 in jean clad jumpers? ( Black people don't home school.....?)>
There is a governing body of home schooler’s but honestly do they really now what’s going on in that home? Like I said before my problem is not with the education taught from books
( ca.. ca.. cat.. F’ this reading shit I’m gonna be a stripper)
it’s the lack of social interaction, and inability to ever be able to fit in EVER.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What gets me through work...

I am sure that not everyone is that cool kid (if in fact this is a classification of being cool now) who knows about the newest YouTube video phenomenon, or those awesomely random obscure sites you just have to see. So I think I should share some of my favorite sites that my cool friends have shared with me, and some I have found myself. If it wasn’t for these sites I really don’t know what I would do with myself at work, or even at home (you can only contemplate why Cheney has yet to reveal himself as an evil troll demon so many times… what I think about these things). So comment back if you have websites that have to be seen, and thus elevating yourself to “cool”.
This is truly an amazeballs site to say the least. Hilarious lists, random facts, and even better articles about amusing nothingness.
I have just started to follow this site and while blatantly liberal I love it. Great current U.S. and world news with random stories like Lilo going to jail articles mixed in. You get educated while you laugh and if you are like me I force myself to read the important ones about oh say… health care reform and reward myself by then reading about Snookies contract negation status. It keeps you up to date on all the important stuff.
who doesn’t love having the Wal-Mart (freaking word recognizes this store and corrected it… wtf) experience from the comfort of your home or office without that hot dog and urine smell stuck to your cloths. Sure you feel bad that you are having a knee slapper of a laugh at the expense of others (eh… not so much) but honestly don’t these people know that they will be laughed at. I equate it to girls who have their tatters out and then get mad that guys look at them… you were kinda asking for it so embrace it. Same goes with the fashionably challenged, you should know you look like a freak so embrace it and show the world.
Ok not really a website but a great toolbar to help you find those obscure websites you have only heard your hipster friends talk about(or those creepy kids who hangout at Starbucks talk about). It saves your preferences and helps you find randomness based off of your likes and interests, and your other searches. Not so sure if everything you “stumbleupon” is work safe but try it out at home.
Pretty sure every family has at least 3 photos that could be added to this site, but it’s great to point and laugh at others, and pretend like your family is not so… well awkward. This site is amazingly funny and as the site gains popularity as does the pictures pool. They even have categories for their pictures; say you wanted to just look at funny graduation pictures (if only to make yourself feel better about that candid one your grandma took that shows your diploma and your double chin) well they have a category for that. Over all super great.
Enough said, if you have gone to college in the past 3 years you know all about this site and are more the likely a contributor. It’s a compilation of the things you said when you were blackout and well, things you say that make no sense.
This site is a compilation of funny pictures, funny videos and just down right funny stuff about people failing at everything from epic typos to people just failing at life. I love it and makes me feel better about myself….(yah…)
Not so sure if this site is responsible for adding to the English language the most useful acronym of all time (and one that I seem to use a lot.. fml) none the less it’s originality and over all amazeballsness is well amazing… Funny little stories to make you not want to fml so much.
If you like to stalk or more importantly enjoy looking up pictures of creepers (btw any normal person could have looked at these people on the streets and said yep they’re defiantly a child molester) check this site out. It gives you pinpoint locations of sex offenders from where they live to where they work and a bio of priors… so you can protect your children and even more importantly get a good laugh.

Gaga I lovers you

Now there is another reason to love GaGa. Classy and Crazy GaGa took on the WBC with words just short of poet laurite material, in hopes that her fans would turn a blind eye to their protest outside of her concert in the STL this week. Referring to them as “hate activists” in my opinion is an understatement, they are terrorists and I wish nothing but horrible horrible things to happen to them like: killer bee stings to the eye, or being trapped in a small room that only shows re-runs of OZ and the L word (not that they are bad shows just because it would be funny to watch their reactions).. None the less I hate to propagate their message or even acknowledge there existence but I love GaGa even more now.