Tuesday, September 9, 2014

For gods sake have an abortion!

Real talk.. If you don't have a job, if you don't have a trade, if you have no education, if you don't own your own car, if you can't pay your bills, if you don't have your own place.. WHY IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.. would you think it would be ok to reproduce.. birth control is free.. Plan B is free.. just wear a condom like why  even risk it.. Life is hard enough trying to take care of yourself why bring a child into a world of poverty that they themselves might not ever be able to get out of... are you that stupid.. do you care that little about that child's life.. do you care that little about my tax money.. stop being trashy

I stand by the man who hits me... Because I am a dumb ass...

Ray Rice... You are a dick but with that said your wife is an idiot and an ass hole. Blaming the media for "ruining" your life and marriage, no dumb ass your husband  did that by punching you in the face. I am not blaming the victim here at all, I am all about supporting a woman who is in a bad relationship getting out but, let's be real that punch was not the first one! I am sorry I am cold hearted I guess but I don't feel bad for an woman whom gets hit more then once and stays. You can leave, you have friends you have shelters you have family you have the fucking police. Stop with the bullshit excuses here, like I am alone or you don't understand how deep you get in. Shut the fuck up and move your ass out or get him arrested! For the love of god what would you do if a stranger ran up on you and punched you... You would ummm call the police and or beat the shit out of that person, but the rules magically change when you are in a relationship with ....come on...
Yes I know I have not been in the situation, mostly because I have self worth and am not a total idiot when it comes to... Well living life but, I can't imagine how stupid you have to be to stay in that kind of situation., then try and make me feel bad for you?  Soon some  one will come out and say this is some kind of disease like alcoholism, no it's your inability to make good life choices! Stop with the "you don't understand" excuses I do understand, I understand you are an idiot pussy who doesn't have enough self worth to do anything about your life situation, that you got yourself into! You get hit on you walk away, if not then every hot after that you deserve for  being that stupid! Grow up take responsibility and do something!