Friday, November 12, 2010

The cruise ship from HELL...

Yah not so much..
under rated movie btw..
Ok.. all you people that were “stranded” on a F’ING CRUISE SHIP.. with no power need to shut up.. and the media.. (d-bag a-holes) need to stop running the story under headlines like “terror at sea” or “nightmare at sea” because to me even if you don’t have lights your still on a f’ing cruise ship stocked with month’s worth of food (ok frank and beans are good people) and ALCOHOL that’s like a great dream to me!!!! Why would no one turn this in to a drunk fest.. back at WVU when ever the lights went out ment it was a black out… So what do these people do whine and complain about how bad it was… and on top of that you get all your money back plus another F’ING CRUISE!!!...  if I was there I would be looting the shit out of every unsecured food and beverage area (what we are in a recession)… You ass holes are making Americans look like sissy French d-bags… suck it up… I can not wait to see how many law suits are filled on this.. I am sure some scum bag ambulance chasseing lawyers are all up and down on this like Kanye on Taylors mic…. And if you are even so much as settled for any dollar amount you should be David Carradine’ed.. but with out the subsequent hand job… I wish I was even lucky enough to have enjoyed 2 days at sea with lights… or even 5 days at sea with no lights.. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO SUCK IT UP.. why don’t you go and talk to some Haitians and see if they can sympathize with you and your ordeal.. .
Who needs lights when your blackout...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Go back under the bridge you came from.. troll

Can't put make up
on a pig.. but it
can eat it..
I always try to find the best in someone (no really…) and I always like to think that every one if done up well enough can be pretty, or that she has at least one redeeming astatically pleasing quality ( yah your face not so much, but nice… tatters..). However there are those rare occasions (like every night in smc Wal-Mart) that you find creatures.. .soo… just unfortunate (unlike myself because I am well.. perfect ) that you have to turn your head and just say wtf…. Now some of these horribly  disfigured people to their advantage have some of the most sparkling personalities of any one ( well that’s what I tell myself it’s… not like I would talk to them in public or anything) which kind of makes up for the horrible facial deformity (or the fact that the majority of the world is not
ohh gawd.. i feel the ugly...
Helen Kellerish and thus can see you) which has befallen them… I was how ever like most wild beast tamers (a.k.a normal people who shop at Wal-Mart after dark) shocked to come across a creature so hideous… so perverse and rude I could not believe myself….. like when Steve Erwin got killed by of all things a sting ray ( what that was a deff wtf moment in my life…) Sooo I find myself wondering the isles of Wal-Mart in search for yarn ( what I crochet.. classy I know..) and I happened to find myself in the makeup isle (funny because there was not enough foundation in the tri-state area to cover this beast face with) and there in front of me is a

accurate ill. of
troll beast

horrible  beast demon… pink scrunchy,  waldorf bangs (the puff bangs.. it’s a somd thing..) a black baby phat shirt stretched so thin I could count the  thread count .. jeggings.. well sausage casings.. ( how does one go about growing ankle rolls…) greasy dirty skin and hair and a dirty bra strap slupped to the side,and flip flops.. so deformed by years of waddling around on the sides of of her feet… it’s was made even worse by the fact she was talking to her skinny ( as in I do meth when I am not doing meth)
She only smokes
to heal the wounds of ther b/f
beating her up..
cut her some slack... jesus
white trash friend about how she was going to “f that whore up tomorrow night.. and she don’t have a baby by Jonathan.. because she to ugly for him to rump”.. and yes… she said rump… on one hand this conversation served to solve a mystery of mine… what it was called when to nasty people have sex it’s now I know it’s  called rumping… ( urben dictionary.. I think soo…) so as I stare in disillusion at this turns and looks at me with her yellow green snaggles peaking through her chapped thin lips and  gives a smerk… a f’ing sperk…you know a head goes back eyes squint.. kinda look.. I stand there with sheer disgust on my face for what seems like 30 years starring into this  demon beats gaze wishing and hoping for this creature to be put out of it’s misery by a wayward fork lift or falling shelf… it then breaks my stare turns and waddles away.. ok anti-climatic I know but none the less disturbing.. the point or rather moral of this story is if you are fat and ugly don’t be mean.. a superior personality is the absolute only thing that will  keep you from the fringe of society… I know it must be hard.. waking up every morning wondering why your parents had to create the perfect storm of ugliness (kanye west).. but try hard… it’s all you got it’s all you got….